Monday, December 29, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
Saturday, November 8, 2014
fashion forward
Stella McCartney pre-fall 2014 collection featuring certified sustainable wool from Patagonia, produced specifically in accordance to new sustainability standards and developed by the internationally renowned conservation organisation, The Nature Conservancy with their local partner Ovis
style bubble :D
style bubble :D
Friday, October 10, 2014
sephora dior 500 pt perk
一直都想擁有Dior J'adore的mini size 因為我是很喜歡收藏不同fragrance的細樽裝, so cute!
所以即日一出就去redeem my points! ha ha
還記得去年2013的Dior 500 pt perk我也有收藏了兩份
所以即日一出就去redeem my points! ha ha
還記得去年2013的Dior 500 pt perk我也有收藏了兩份
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Friday, October 3, 2014
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
brighten up your days!
We’re barely keeping afloat ?! or we are on the top of the water world?!
不要問我們為何要suffering such 漂流著的uncertainness of life, 花開花謝是大自然的規矩, 只要我們曾經有過燦爛的時刻, 就是值得我們在這世界上走一回!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
BUXOM lash mascara 最棒
我用過無數mascara, chanel/dior/bobbi brown/lancome/clinique....就算waterproof但都會甩色, however, BUXOM lash mascara竟然意外地無甩色喔, 實在太棒啦
What it is:A volumizing, waterproof mascara that separates and defines lashes.
What it does:
Glide on amped-up lashes with this ultradefining, smudge-proof mascara. The vitamin-enriched, clump-resistant formula deepens, darkens, and intensely thickens, while the curvy, hourglass-shaped brush evenly coats lashes—separating and defining—from root to tip.
What it is:A volumizing, waterproof mascara that separates and defines lashes.
What it does:
Glide on amped-up lashes with this ultradefining, smudge-proof mascara. The vitamin-enriched, clump-resistant formula deepens, darkens, and intensely thickens, while the curvy, hourglass-shaped brush evenly coats lashes—separating and defining—from root to tip.
NARS 簡易裸妝三部曲
What it is:A lightweight tinted moisturizer that evens skintone and provides a translucent veil of protection.
What it is formulated to do:
Infused with lush, naturally derived ingredients, this lightweight tinted moisturizer immediately helps thirsty skin feel hydrated. It has been proven to help reduce the appearance of discoloration and dark spots caused by hyperpigmentation for a clearer and brighter complexion in as little as four weeks. Oil-free and luxurious, it obscures the appearance of lines, wrinkles, pores, and other imperfections while SPF 30 adds a translucent veil of protection.
What it is formulated WITHOUT:
- Parabens
- Sulfates
- Phthalates
What it is:An oil-free gel primer.
What it does:
This gel primer instantly refines the look of pores, regulates shine, and creates a matte surface to the skin for smooth and long-wearing makeup application. Mineral Powders manage oil in the T-zone while blurring the look of pores, fine lines, and wrinkles.
What else you need to know:
This product is alcohol free, non-comedogenic, dermatologist tested, synthetic and fragrance free.
What it is:
A creamy concealer with hydrating, multiaction skincare benefits and light diffusing technology to create a softer, smoother complexion.
What it does:
Ideal for all skin types, Radiant Creamy Concealer is a multiaction formula that instantly obscures imperfections, blurs the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and hides dark circles and signs of fatigue. Hydrating and luxuriously smooth, it layers lightly for buildable medium-to-full coverage and a natural luminous finish. The multiactive botanical blend hydrates, firms, reduces redness, and strengthens the skin by helping its barrier retain vital moisture. It also delivers antioxidant protection to protect the skin against damaging free radicals.
Skin becomes visibly smooth, soft, and more even-toned. Mineral tone balancing powder works to optically correct, not mask, imperfections to keep skin looking flawless. A single stroke of Radiant Creamy Concealer keeps the complexion looking fresh and creaseless. It goes on smoothly, blends easily, and stays in place all day. Comfortable and hydrated, skin glows with new radiance over or under foundation and looks beautiful—even when bare.
What it is formulated WITHOUT:
- Parabens
- Sulfates
- Phthalates
What else you need to know:
This product is crease-proof, long-wearing, dermatologist tested, and non-comodeogenic. It is free of alcohol and fragrance.
Research results:
In an instrumental measurement moisturization test conducted on 61 women:
- Skin moisture level jumped by 46% in the first hour of usage
- Moisture level in the skin increased by 60.6% after 12 hours
- 100% of women showed improvement in skin moisture level after 1 hour
- 98% of women showed improvement in skin moisture level after 12 hours
Sensory clinical test results:
- 89% felt the product left skin looking firmer
- 93% felt the product effectively concealed dark spots, blemishes, and dark undereye circles
- 80% felt the product blurred lines and wrinkles
- 97% felt the product provided comfortable wear
- 95% felt the product smoothed out the surface of the skin
- 93% felt the product was long wearing
- 90% felt the product left a creaseless-finish
- 97% felt the product was lightweight on the skin
A creamy concealer with hydrating, multiaction skincare benefits and light diffusing technology to create a softer, smoother complexion.
What it does:
Ideal for all skin types, Radiant Creamy Concealer is a multiaction formula that instantly obscures imperfections, blurs the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and hides dark circles and signs of fatigue. Hydrating and luxuriously smooth, it layers lightly for buildable medium-to-full coverage and a natural luminous finish. The multiactive botanical blend hydrates, firms, reduces redness, and strengthens the skin by helping its barrier retain vital moisture. It also delivers antioxidant protection to protect the skin against damaging free radicals.
Skin becomes visibly smooth, soft, and more even-toned. Mineral tone balancing powder works to optically correct, not mask, imperfections to keep skin looking flawless. A single stroke of Radiant Creamy Concealer keeps the complexion looking fresh and creaseless. It goes on smoothly, blends easily, and stays in place all day. Comfortable and hydrated, skin glows with new radiance over or under foundation and looks beautiful—even when bare.
What it is formulated WITHOUT:
- Parabens
- Sulfates
- Phthalates
What else you need to know:
This product is crease-proof, long-wearing, dermatologist tested, and non-comodeogenic. It is free of alcohol and fragrance.
Research results:
In an instrumental measurement moisturization test conducted on 61 women:
- Skin moisture level jumped by 46% in the first hour of usage
- Moisture level in the skin increased by 60.6% after 12 hours
- 100% of women showed improvement in skin moisture level after 1 hour
- 98% of women showed improvement in skin moisture level after 12 hours
Sensory clinical test results:
- 89% felt the product left skin looking firmer
- 93% felt the product effectively concealed dark spots, blemishes, and dark undereye circles
- 80% felt the product blurred lines and wrinkles
- 97% felt the product provided comfortable wear
- 95% felt the product smoothed out the surface of the skin
- 93% felt the product was long wearing
- 90% felt the product left a creaseless-finish
- 97% felt the product was lightweight on the skin
只會在重要日子才會用粉底液的人也蠻多的吧! 我就是!
聽說集護膚、防曬及均勻膚色的 NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer SPF30/PA+++ 面霜,方便易用,懶的、趕出門的日子,就全靠它~ 不過有時捱夜,黑眼圈深到用眼鏡都遮不了,加上天氣開始濕濕漉漉,就要加多三個小步驟,令不上彩妝的自己也要光澤好氣息。
塗 Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer SPF30/PA+++ 面霜前先在易出油的 T 字部塗上 Medium Pro-Prime Pore Refining Primer 15ml 讓肌膚不再油光滿面,它的礦物粉末成份為 T 字部位控油,使肌膚清爽無負擔,純扁豆籽萃取物則能終結毛孔放大的惡夢,使用後彩妝能輕易地層疊暈染,妝容緊緻服貼,色彩鮮明飽和,耀眼持續一整天。 白色乳液狀,質地輕盈的零油脂又水潤易推,推開感覺清爽不黏笠,而且滋潤度足,沒有乾燥繃緊問題。塗上後皮膚立即有啞致感,毛孔都給隱藏起來,觸感滑溜了不少。再以 NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer,有效遮瑕之餘更同時有補濕護膚功效,配方極致豐盈順滑,容易塗開,採用散光技術,有效隱藏黑眼圈、修飾泛紅和其他瑕疵,令妝容持久亮澤動人。
PS: 對於毛孔大的皮膚和面皮薄的人來說, 這三部曲可能沒啥作用....因為遮瑕度真的很低...哈哈哈
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Monday, May 5, 2014
La Prairie 品牌專題
La Prairie 剛推出的Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Cream和Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Dry Oil,前者的滋養日用保濕霜有效抗禦壓力、環境及老化威脅,我特別喜歡箇中的水包油啫喱霜配方,觸感豐潤又能瞬間滲透;至於後者的油質精華能在肌膚表面形成保濕屏障,高效保濕。另外,兩款產品均含Swiss Ice Crystal Complex,提供強效的抗氧化保護。用了一個月左右,我察覺面上的乾紋和糼紋淡化了不少,而且膚質柔滑多了;而且,產品散發的氣息感覺好像置身spa中,塗抹感覺十分紓緩。
兩者除了單獨使用,我也會於Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Cream混合一至兩滴Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Dry Oil,如果遇上肌膚乾燥的日子或晚間時分,便會視乎肌膚需要多混入Dry Oil,然後輕輕按壓於面上,使肌膚更富光澤。
當時,La Prairie療養中心除了以Niehans教授為號召,還招攬致力開發抗衰老技術的科學家,積極地利用生物醫學法以抵消與老化有關的物理過程,期望令活細胞抗衰老原創科研成果普及起來,因而促使Laboratoires La Prairie於一九七八年推出活細胞護膚系列。品牌首項產品甫面世,便以有效控制肌膚的衰老過程而令品牌享譽國際,成功將抗衰老的觀念引進美容界,從此,抗衰老護膚產品更如雨後春筍紛紛湧現市場。
一九八二年,La Prairie實驗室「自立門戶」,從療養中心獨立出來,聯合世界各地的一流皮膚實驗室及科學家,矢志研發嶄新成分和科技。歷年來藉着先端而有效的成分和配方,於美容界推出眾多的創意修護產品,當中教人津津樂道的有為品牌打響名堂的專利活細胞複合物、於修護產品及粉底中注入矜貴魚子精華、應用AHA果酸、採納黃金魚子和白鱘魚子精華、以至今年將極地植物和藻類頑強的生命能量注入肌膚之舉,為抗老化範疇上開拓出愈發嶄新的局面。
La Prairie自於一九九一年被德國 Beiersdorf 集團羅致旗下,為 La Prairie 護膚研究所注入新動力,傳承品牌的修護理念,於活細胞傳承的基礎上,透過尖端生物技術,為肌膚修護闢出新途徑,繼續推出修護中的極品,使其穩佔頂級科研護膚界別的同時,成為尊貴修護的代名詞。
剛於年初登場的Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Cream及Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Dry Oil,源於熱愛攀山的La Prairie創新研發總監Dr. Daniel Stangl於瑞士阿爾卑斯山頂峰所發現的極地植物和藻類,兩款修護產品中引入三種能於惡劣環境下存活的挪威虎耳草、高山雪鈴花和瑞士雪藻,研製而成專利的瑞士冰晶複合物,成就出兩款修護精品—滋養日用保濕霜提供逆境抗壓的極端修護作用,至於精華則賦予肌膚強化、修復及滋養的抗逆能量。
La Prairie美容創舉
1978 首創將活細胞科研技術應用於修護衰老肌膚上的Cellular Basic Skincare Range,令品牌聲名大噪。
1987 推出Skin Caviar Dermo Beads,當中注入魚子精華,並應用了微囊裝載活性成分的傳送系統。
1992 推出Age Management Serum,成為首個使用AHA果酸的品牌。
2002 魚子精華粉底Skin Caviar Concealer Foundation SPF15、Cellular Eye Moisturizer SPF15、Cellular Moisturizer SPF15 The Smart Cream以及Cellular Radiance Cream相繼登場。
2005 推出兼備遮瑕及抗皺效果的眼部修護Light Fantastic Cellular Concealing Brightening Eye Treatment。
2007 運用石英、液體水晶及反射色素粒子的Cellular Radiance Concentrate Pure Gold,綻放肌膚光采活力。
2009 推出加入鉑金膠體、維持肌膚電極平衡的Cellular Cream Platinum Rare。
2010 注入黃金魚子精華的White Caviar Illuminating Système面世。
2011 應用3D抗衰老科技的Cellular Power Infusion登場。
2012 國際海洋保育組織暨女性海洋探險家Céline Cousteau女士成為La Prairie代言人,並於全球多國演說海洋保育的重要。La Prairie直接投入海洋保育行動,於實踐社會責任領域上作出貢獻。
2013 The Art of Beauty,將殿堂級的傳奇護膚配方,與匠心獨運的尊貴療程相結合,體驗的貼身打造的美療服務。
2014 注入瑞士冰晶複合物、擊退各種衰老因素的Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Cream及Cellular Swiss Ice Crystal Dry Oil,成為美容界焦點。
Friday, February 21, 2014
fashion week
服裝輪廓則以中性的幾何圖形結合完美比例、合身剪裁的帥氣套裝搭配豐盈皮草,展現剛柔並濟的 Gucci 女郎面貌。
創意總監 Frida Giannini 表示:「我渴望具體刻畫出 Gucci 的精髓與精神。講究的精緻細節,俐落的輪廓與線條,精準細膩的質材融合全新的色彩,訴說出迷人的華麗光彩與韻味。 」
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
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